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Showing posts from January, 2014

Lace Crown Tutorial

We made crowns for the Princess! It was so easy and Zoe had a lot of fun. Here are the steps we took in case you might like to make your own...LOL Materials: Lace, rolling cutter(or scissors) fabric stiffener, paint, brushes and glue gun We cut our lace to 14" (you may cut it longer for a larger crown) Paint on stiffener, allow to almost dry, then repeat. *After a few coats I put some stiffener in a cup and dunked the lace in it and brushed off the excess. This worked a lot better, and was much faster. Allow drying 8-24 hours depending on the lace. This lace is very fine and thin and dried in a matter of about 6-8 hours. We then painted the lace with a silver glitter paint. (Feel free to use any color you like) TADA!!! Zoe's Crown I used 2 bobby pins to hold it in place! She loved it! The Sassy Princess!

Easy Skirt Tutorial..Excuse my Blog issues with photos

Example of a skirt without the trim   Ok, I know it's upside down but for some reason the blog won't allow me to correct it no matter what I tried. So when my IT hubs gets home he can help fix it! LOL    I am very excited that spring is upon us. Here where we live it was 70 yesterday and a beautiful 68 today. We played outside and also used a lot of home made chalk paint! (That will be our next tutorial for the littles) Ok, back on track as I was saying.... Spring is coming and Zoe loves nothing more than to wear a skirt and some leggings everywhere we go. She is a little bit priss, a little bit tom-boy (the perfect combination if you ask me)      So I took the Simplicity pattern 1816 and revamped it to what I wanted for Zoe. I used my measuring tape to measure her waist for the elastic and added an inch for growth and comfort. It's not the most professional method but I like to be a rebel and take chances! This skirt will fit a 4T/5T. ...

We love experiments and crafts...anything that might be messy

We have had a lot of new crafts to make, and new experiments to try. Today we baked cotton balls, yes you read correctly...baked cotton balls! We refer to them as dinosaur poop! LOL Great colorful balls, that are as fun to tear apart as they are to bake! What you need: 1 cup of flour 1 1/2 cups of water cotton balls food coloring Pam cookie sheet Bake at 300 degrees for 40 minutes Here are the photos of our baking cotton fun!  Wow! They are just as soft and cottony on the inside even after they are baked! "Surprise" she said!

We love Crafts....Photo to Canvas Tut

 WE (as in I ) are obsessed with any type of craft. Whether it be painting, paper, cotton balls we submerge in flour and water, scrap booking, sewing...well you get the picture. So thanks to Pinterest I stumbled upon a new way to transfer photos to canvas without paying an arm and a leg for the ones off line. (those are fabulous, but these are unique and handmade with love)  Last night I sat down and chose two photos to work on, and I am quite pleased with the way they came out even though the printer was running out of both black and colored ink. I think it adds a certain appeal of a weathered/vintage look. Simple steps: *Choose a photo from your collection *Decide what size canvas you want to use, make sure you blow the photo up if needed or shrink to fit canvas *Print photo on normal printer paper (make sure you mirror the photo in your printer settings) otherwise it will be backward * Take your canvas and paint a light coating of Mod Podge on it *Place photo face do...

A-Line Dress with Bow Tutorial

   I have seen this dress floating around the internet for quite some time and wanted to try my hand at making it for my daughter. I had a lovely Easter print and have been trying to come up with the perfect pattern for Zoe's Easter dress. Thus the a-line bow dress.      So here is a short tutorial on how to attach a bow to any standard a line dress. I hope you all like it and would love to see your own personal creations if you do, please.      Materials:           Desired Fabrics for dress and for bow           Medium Weight Interfacing           Pins           Mark-B-Gone Pen/Pencil           Yard Stick           Iron           Rotary Cutter/Scissors            Ruler Gather all materials so that they are...