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Spring Window Box Craft Tutorial

      We have had some very beautiful spring like weather over the last week and today it drops to 55 degrees and ~~WINDY~~ Not so fun for us who love to be outside more than inside. So we decided to bring a bit of spring indoors with us! We have been waiting to do this little project for a while so my sweet Zoe asked to go out and get the supplies today. ( She inevitably has my same love and knack for crafts!) She has been saving her money and knew exactly what she wanted to buy with it so she then asked to take photos and wanted me to put it on the blog. Here is her little tutorial of our home made springtime window box.

Not only a fun craft, but I used it as an educational opportunity as well to teach her types of flowers and their names.

Supplies: Fake Flowers, Cardboard box (or window planter) scissors, glue gun, glue sticks,  grass, fabric for covering box

We utilized an old cardboard box and cut it down to the size we wanted.

Zoe then covered her box with the fabric she chose ( She has been taught the proper way to use a hot glue gun and I was there to supervise.)

You can see here I have horrible skills for cutting straight 

Afterward we placed leftover batting to fill the box and layered on the grass (You could also buy the floral foam to place the flowers in if you would like)

We also turned this fun craft in to an educational experience as she learned the names of what type of flowers she picked out.

My favorite flower....The Glitter Daisy. I want to know where to buy these seeds to grow them! Ha Ha

Zoe placed her flowers how she wanted them

And...TA Da.... Of course with spring come Easter and she had to get this Bunny Mouth Sucker

Her finished product


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