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Happy Tuesday!

Good Morning and Happy Tuesday!
   It was a very eventful weekend in our house! We had a ton to do and we were kicking off our Missional Communities with our church. Jason and I are hosting/leading one based on Dr. Gary Chapman's The 5 Love Languages. We are both excited and nervous since this will be the first group we have led but also because we want the couples within our group to gain knowledge to help strengthen their love and marriage. That to me is a HUGE deal and can put a lot of pressure on one to succeed and do the book justice! So we have been praying over the group and reading through the book again and talking about each chapter and our views, I am excited to see how others interpret the book and receive it! So if you think about it during your prayer time, please remember us and the group we will be leading!!

  So with spring peaking it's way around the corner! LOL (Well for us here in the lowcountry where it has been hovering around 60-65 and sunny!) Although I must say those up north with all that snow I would have liked to see at least one snowfall this winter season, however I will take the warm sun any day! Makes me feel happy and active! With all that being said I had a point...being I am gearing up for all of my PennieGirl's spring/summer wardrobe! Starting with this darling little romper .(Pattern by Sara Norris, Sweet Baby Jane you can find her amazing patterns here Sara Norris LTD.)  So this is the one I whipped up yesterday for PennieJo, I adore it. It's hard to tell from the photo but it's a baby pink seersucker material with these delightful blue crabs. Gets me in the mood for the beach and some she-crab soup!

It's hard to get my little peanut to sit still sometimes, but I just thought she was too adorable in it!!! Come on Summer!!! She's going to have one of these for just about every day of the week!

Oh a back view, I am infatuated with the ruffle tushy!!!


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