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Embroidery and the Steal of the Year

    I am fascinated by hand embroidery (well any needle work to be exact), the tiniest details and the intricate stitches that are used to form a stunning piece of art just amazes me. I dabble in hand embroidery, I don't know a lot of the different stitches but for me it is a simple, quiet moment of meditation for me where I can escape the chaos of the house! I like to sit and embroider with my headphones in listening to my worship songs, I feel closer to God in those moments for some reason. I am forever researching and finding new ways to embroider.
    Just this past weekend while I was out thrift hunting I ran across a large package of embroidery thread neatly wrapped and color coordinated. Upon further inspection the containers underneath actually held different gorgeous colors of pearl cotton!!!! Oh I was oozing with excitement, I know the other women around me must have thought I was crazy; but this was the steal of the year and I had it in hand for only $6.96 (and I got 15% off military discount!!!!) 1 container of embroidery floss, 3 containers of pearl cottons, 4 standard punch needles and 2 brand new never used Cameo Ultra Punch Needles, a book on punch embroidery and a stack of iron on designs with fabric!! I'm telling you I was so very excited to try my hand at Punch Embroidery. I am working on a project now and will show the completed piece very soon!!! Until then I am still working a bit each day on this piece, it isn't anything fancy just a simple piece I am doing for a precious neighbor of mine!!!

Can't forget my photo of the Great Find!!!


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